
It's strange to me that you have found your way here. This place got its first bricks laid in complete darkness a few years back. I was lucky to have some kind souls around me to shed some light on what to do, and where to tread with caution. And I had music.

Slowly, brick by brick, I laid the foundation of what would become the floor to support my legs as I stumbled back onto my feet. I still hadn't found my voice. It was all a jumbled mess. A mix of the old and the new. Incomprehensible. I was an old man standing in the shoes of a child. And while in those shoes, I saw new ways to build a place to call home. Standing there, I found new ways to paint. New ways to draw. New ways to write. And I had music.

And thus, I became a Childlike Soul.

Many of my fans often tell me that they listen to my songs to get through things. And therefore, obviously, I hope that they can picture being in a place where things are better... I hope my songs can bring people to a calm place.


If you are still here, in this little house I have built, I guess it's because you are curious. Maybe you, like me, already have built your floor to find your footing to climb out of the solemn darkness, and you wonder what to build next? Or maybe you are still stumbling within the darkness, trying to build your own foothold. Maybe you are like the Tuatha'an from the world of Robert Jordan's "Wheel Of Time" series, roving about to find the Song?

Whatever your reasons, I hope you will find that every floor you build can give you foothold. The problem is that because all places may hold a floor to stand on, it might be hard to know where to build. Especially in the darkness. If every floor is possible, it's hard to not change its placement with every stone. It's all too easy to stumble and fall into the habits that shaded the ground for you. That's why I'm offering you a tripod to hold your source of light. I can't build your floor or tell you where to put it, but I can show you some ways to do it. With art. With music. And with words that may seem to stem from Mother Nature herself.

Music is this divine thing, the closest that we can get to something divine. It's like this instinct we all own, and some of us have found a way to hear that music and write it down and share it with people.


You will not find any pointing fingers here. No simple solutions. No "I told you so…" or "Just do" this and that. There is no simple way. It's all hard work. If you want to smell the roses you must go to where the roses grow. If you want to enjoy the sensations of water falling down your face, you must stand in the rain. And if you want to find the Song, you must stop. And listen. Every choice you make is a possible building block. The work is carrying the stone to where it can give you a firm ground to stand on.

My primary source of light is Aurora. You may have other sources in your room. That's perfectly fine, of course. She's no Goddess, elf or heavenly angel. She's no nature spirit or some other divine creature. She's human. With human flaws. Yet, her humanity is the very ground I have built my floor upon. You might, or might not be as much of a fan of her as I am, but that is besides the point. I still hope I will be able to give you some clues as to where to build your floor.

Take care of yourself and those around you.

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"I would rather see the world though the eyes of a child"

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Warriors & Weirdos - We are all connected


A warrior and a weirdo. I hope to paint music with words.